St Paul's Youth Ministry ("Disciples") is the second building block in the spiritual formation of our children and families and helps to guide youth through the complex relationships and understandings that they need to learn to follow Jesus Christ. For more information and how to get involved, contact our Youth Ministry Department here.
Youth Ministry happens on Sunday mornings at 9:30 with Bible study and during special events such as Fellowship Activities, Retreats, Serving Events, and District Gatherings.
MS Weekly Bible Study and Group Activities
Wednesday Night Confirmation
Grades 7-8 at 6:00 pm - Confirmation led by Pastor Kretzschmar.
Serving Opportunities
various projects throughout the year

To receive communication about high school youth events, please sign up for REMIND notifications.
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To subscribe to Middle School Youth Info:
By text: Send a text to 81010 with the message @splcmi
By email: Send an email to splcmi@mail.remind.com
Past Events

Fall District Retreat - November 10-12, 2019
Annual Southern District Junior Youth Gathering
One District, One Gathering, One HUGE event for our Southern District Junior Highers! @ Lake Forest Ranch ~ Macon, MS