The St Paul's family serves the Lord and cares for each other and our neighbors in many ways. Our ministry areas, as outlined below, involve individuals and families in meaningful activities to meet our mission of connecting people to Jesus through teaching, serving, caring, and telling. For detailed information on any of these ministry areas, simply click on the graphic.

Young Adult Ministry
for those 18 (post-HS) -29 years old
Sunday morning Bible Study resumes in August in Room 302 in the Office Wing
Fellowship & Service Projects happening now!

Music Ministry
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord and praise Him musically in vocal choirs - solo, duet, or ensembles, handbell and tone chime choirs, praise band, and instrument solos.

Mothers of Preschoolers
More information at on when they resume meeting.

Austinville Reading Ministry
Helping children to read in the first grade leads to success in subsequent grades. Our reading buddies provide Christian love and encouragement to these students while listening to them read.

Quilting Ministry
Assembling quilts for Lutheran World Relief or for the newly baptized babies of our congregation, these ladies bring warmth and comfort to the lives of many.

Knitting & Crocheting Ministry Workshops
Thursdays 11:00 am
for the Beginner and the Experienced!

Care Ministry
Through the Visitation Team, Card Ministry Team, Helping Hands, and New Life Meal Teams, and the acts of many individuals, we extend the love of Christ for each other.

Building Maintenance Ministry
Ministry happens on our campus 7 days a week, and our facilities require many skills to maintain it through our workdays, adopt-a-spot volunteers, routine and as-needed maintenance volunteers.