Why give?
We give in response to all God has done for us. St Paul's is financially dependent on God's provisions. These provisions primarily come through the generous and faithful gifts of the people who care about the ministry of St Paul's.
We are Overwhelmed by Grace
"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you by His poverty might become rich." - 2 Corinthians 8:9
In Response to the Overwhelming Grace of God I can . . .
Become a first-time giver
I desire to excel at the grace of giving, and will start now with my first gift to the church.
As a result of what God has done for me, I want to become a first-time giver.
Give on a regular basis
Giving needs to be a regular routine in my life.
Giving on a regular basis increases my faith and trust in God.
Grow Toward a tithe (10%) of my income
Increasing my percentage giving allows me to exercise my attitude about Christ's Lordship in my life.
As I continue to place my faith in God for my finances, my reliance on my own abilities and strength is replaced with a greater trust in Him.
Tithing demonstrates that God has first place in my life. (Malachi 3:10)
Tithing reminds me that everything belongs to God and my tithing expresses my gratitude to God for His grace.
Experience Extravagant Generosity
Extravagant Generosity sees the 10% tithe as the minimum, not the maximum.
As I live with extravagant generosity, I want to give beyond a tithe and watch God work in my life, my finances, and through the mission and ministry of St Pauls.
Paul taught the Corinthian believers to set aside a collection “on the first day of the week” (1 Corinthians 16:2). And, just as the offering of firstfruits was an occasion of thanksgiving, so the Christian is to give with gladness.
In summary, firstfruits symbolizes God’s harvest of souls, it illustrates giving to God from a grateful heart, and it sets a pattern of giving back to Him the first (and the best) of what He has given us. Not being under the Old Testament Law, the Christian is under no further obligation than to give cheerfully and liberally (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).
Ways to give
St Paul's offers several convenient ways to give.
Cash or Check
During our services an offering plate is passed for in-person donations. Donations are also accepted at our office during normal business hours or you may mail a check to
St Paul's Lutheran Church
1700 Carridale St SW Decatur AL 35601.
Online Giving
With the convenience of Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), you can make gifts to St Paul's through pre-authorized withdrawals from your bank account. You determine the amount and the frequency of your gift. The service is free.
St. Paul's also offers Give+, a free mobile app, and text-to-give convenience.
Click here to learn more:
Stock and Mutual Fund Tranfers
Transferring stocks and mutual funds directly to St Paul's is simple and can result in tax savings (subject to IRS rules). The tax break for Americans older than 70 1/2 is now permanent.
Click here for a "how-to" for direct gifting of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) which could keep some of your Social Security benefits from being subject to taxes.
Contact Carol Morgan for assistance with a direct transfer from your brokerage firm.
Planned Giving Options
Gifts through wills, bequests, and estate planning are possible. Please consider making a gift to St Paul's Lutheran Church in your Last Will and Testament or naming the church as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or retirement account. Contact Carol Morgan for more information.
Designated Gifts
You may designate gifts for special purposes such as Debt Reduction or Memorial Gifts or other identified needs. Give by Cash or Check or by Online Giving.
Tuition Assistance
St Paul's has opportunites to assist children from early childhood through college age with the expense of their education in Lutheran schools. Contact Nancy Neuendorf to assist with Preschool tuition and Carol Morgan to assist with college tuition.
Thrivent Choice Dollars
If you are a member of Thrivent Financial for Christians and eligible for the Thrivent Choice giving program, we hope you'll remember St Paul's when designating your Choice Dollars. More information about the program can be found at
Financial Assistance
Financial Peace University
Managing your financial resources can be difficult. To help, St Paul's periodically offers Financial Peace University, designed to help you manage your money better, eliminate debt and build wealth. The course lasts 9 weeks, is Biblically-based, and taught (via video) by author and radio host Dave Ramsey. Legacy has also been offered in the past and will do so again soon,
For additional information
Contact Carol Morgan