Wednesday FaithLinks Kickoff
August 11 5:30pm
"Back to School
and cookout!
Listen to the service on the radio
@ 10:00 am on WZDK 98.5 FM
@ 10:45 am
Holy Communion Celebrated
at all services on
August 1 and 15
August 11
Fellow Redeemed,
“The devil will take what he can get!” Would you agree that this is a true statement? No, it’s not in the Bible. But since the devil has only three purposes—to steal, to kill, and to destroy—it is accurate to say that he will use whatever he can, anything that is available to him, to accomplish his goals (John 10:10). And indeed, this is true not only in our personal lives, but also in our corporate life together in Christ’s Church. The enemy is hard at work; we should not be naïve.
Today looking back, approximately a year and a half after covid began affecting the United States of America, it has never been more clear to me that Satan is a crafty diabolical enemy. The great adversary has used a disease not only to bring death to far too many, but also to disrupt life in civilized society like no other. For example, talking with other ministers a couple of months ago at a Decatur area pastors’ meeting, a frequent comment heard about numerous churches was that roughly one-third of congregation members are still not active, not just in-person but also there are no indications that members of the body of Christ are connecting online. And don’t you think that hell is rejoicing over this? Can’t you picture the wicked grin of the devil, knowing that his plans appear to be succeeding to steal, kill, and wreak havoc on the faith, the lives, and the congregations of Christians?
But now picture the Church fighting back. See Christ Jesus with His holy angels, leading an assault on the forces of darkness. Picture the members of the body of Christ gathering together in praise and prayer, both in-person and by distance. Hear the invisible demonic hordes fleeing in terror as their efforts are exposed and God’s light shines on their darkness. Feel the Spirit of God moving in His people as they pray, trusting in the only One who can truly save. And remember the words of Psalm 91 and say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust” (Psalm 91:2).
(click on NEWSLETTER to read the entire article)
Pastor Aaron Kretzschmar
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