Children's Ministry
St Paul's Children's Ministry is the first building block in the spiritual formation of our children and families. Our goal is to disciple children and to equip and encourage parents through dynamic and meaningful ministry.
For more information on how to get involved, contact Tricia Scheler, our Children's Ministry Director.
Children's Ministry happens on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am, Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm, and during special events such as VBS, Winshape Camp, Movie Nights, as well as with our Children's Music Ministry.

Sunday Morning Power Hour

Power Hour is our version of Sunday School. Kids come from 9:30-10:30 on Sunday mornings to hear Bible stories presented in an exciting way, learn the truths these lessons teach us, and discover how we can apply these truths to our lives.
Kingdom Quest seeks to lead children into high impact discipleship. When children experience the love of Jesus in such a way that they love the Lord their God will all their heart, soul, mind and strength, they grow to love their neighbor as themselves, share their faith and fully engage in the activities of a disciple.
Large Group Worship with Music and Video
Small Group Activities
Puppet Shows, Skits, Video, Games
Infants & Toddlers: Nursery Room 101
2- & 3-year-olds: Room 102
Ages 4 - 4th Grade: ARC (gym just off the Lobby)
Youth meet and study relevant topics
Grades 5 & 6: Room 203
Grades 7 & 8: Room 117
Grades 9-12: Room 316
Adult Bible Groups meet throughout the campus

Wednesday KidLinks

During WEdnesday
Infants & Toddlers: Nursery Room 101
2, 3, & 4-year-olds: Room 102
Ages 5 - 4th Grade: ARC (gym just off the Lobby)
Youth study relevant topics
Grades 5 & 6: Room 203
Grades 7 & 8: Room 115 YAC
for Confirmation Instruction
Grades 9-12: Room 316
Adult Bible Groups meet throughout the campus

RightNow Media Kids
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